
Louis Vuitton handbag will always be the best-selling fast

Conversation bags and talking about handbags icon. Fast before the signing of the Louis Vuitton Monogram there sparsely populated version of the stylish and modern luxury design label. Louis Vuitton handbag, excellence, fast (especially 30 cm), and since 1932, as the best-selling French fashion house, the chest containing the history and legends, myths and truths a luxury fashion whispered, never never cried, never too much. Speedy bag is innate class, luxury and timeless fashion.

Although the iconic fast original vintage models of the most popular fashion up to the people of the world, especially in the signature of excellence of the Louis Vuitton Monogram print, the French fashion house does not hesitate, however, under the watchful eye of creative director Marc Jacobs, to re-examine and revitalize this beloved model in the new version and the nuances of the season.

The basic model has a price of about 500 euros, but also the most detailed version, using the best fabrics and leather or gemstone detail differences, even at the cost. Since the beginning of the year, the dream of many designers and artists have been to the Louis Vuitton handbag icon customization. It was also successful. Some examples? Stephen Sprouse quick spray with neon graffiti, Takashi Murakami, Yayoi Kusama wearing bold and ultra-high brightness changes.

Embossed leather lord it over the season Speedy25bandoulière legends declination has some reservations about the most epic of hope raspberry hue. Sarah Jessica Parker is always at the forefront.

