
$ 40K Rolex election plea agreement Jesse Jackson Jr.?

The newspaper reported that, Chicago Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. FBI negotiating a plea agreement, he alleged misuse of campaign funds - after the election, the key day in November.
The formation of the civil rights leader Reverend Jesse Jackson's son, 10 64 percent of the vote to win re-election.
According to the Chicago Sun-Times columnist Michael Sneed, Jackson's permanent home renovation, pleaded guilty to a federal investigation negotiations, including the possible use of campaign funds.
In Jackson's case, a new wrinkles may also be abuse of campaign funds to buy a $ 40,000 Rolex watch as a gift for a friend of the woman. "
An ordinary congressman fixture news appear again in June, when he announced that taking a vacation from his duties.
August - and the intense media scrutiny - Jackson's representatives last explained that members of Congress at the Mayo Clinic in the treatment of bipolar depression.
Spectrum of diseases of the term congressman and two federal investigations have raised questions about the truth of Jackson.
According to the report, in October, Jackson's lawyers "requirements of the senior officials of the Ministry of Justice to ensure not seek indictment alleged misuse of campaign funds before the November election."
Jackson also faced with the House Ethics Committee probe into his attempt to sell Obama's old Senate seat by former U.S. governor Rod Blagojevich sentenced alleged role.
"Pay to play" scandal involving Obama's U.S. Senate seat, but ugly residual maintenance.
Even if it is at the end of 2008, Raghuveer Nayak, Jackson's campaign to become a millionaire businessman and former associates, federal prosecutors said Blagojevich provide 100 million the governor appointed Jackson to fill Obama Senator vacancies.
Jackson has always denied any guilt.
Nayak, in June to federal fraud charges were prosecuted, and later admitted that he paid for two airline travel Giovana Huidobro, the restaurant hostess DC Jackson in Chicago to visit his request.
The flights are not reported as the Jackson House gift disclosure report.
The allegations do Huidobro recipient $ 40,000 Rolex Replica watch?

Rep. Jesse Jackson
Jr. can continue treatment, if necessary, at the Mayo Clinic, but also a problem, which he and the ongoing federal investigation of his representatives have yet to respond.
Voters before the election, it is worth the answer, of course, is worth following.

