
How to anoint the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race winners

The Cruising Yacht Club of Australia, the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race is all about who is there first. Many casual fans and many in the media There are few sights in sport more awesome than a 100-foot super maxi-rays through the waves better than 25 knots. It takes incredible skill, teamwork, determination and cash finish line to win the race, as long as tactically complex and downright cantankerous as Hobart.

And yet it is not the race - a race to be first over the line?

But in this race, it is very rare for a boat to win two finish line first (win total). Wild Oats XI was the last to do it, when they took well known finish line, won the race and broke the record in 2005.

If the winner was the first over the line, so the fleet this year would maybe four, five boats, not the 78, the correction is Boxing Day. The other 74 odd boats are not there to make the numbers - they are the ones who Tattersall Cup win - the true Holy Grail of Australian offshore sailing.

The winner of the Rolex Replica Sydney Hobart is not the first to get there, it's the boat that takes the least time, or should we say that. Least the 'disabled' time as a player in golf

Make a great carbon fiber thoroughbred with a canting keel and Hobart course is to come before a modest, conventional small boat, but the Rolex Sydney Hobart is not just a race between boats there is a competition between teams. So this is a handicap race.

For a period between 1999 and early 2003, Hobart yacht competed in both IMS and IRC handicap system, with the top IMS wins the Tattersalls Cup boat. But in the 2004 race takes the CYCA yacht, which had won the IRC future win the race completely.

Under IRC usually take an owner a lot of relatively simple measurements of his yacht, length, weight, overhang and sail sizes, the boat. Fixed or swing keel, water ballast, carbon fiber or aluminum pole

This information is to the credit rating agency Royal Ocean Racing Club in England, who sent a rating for the boat, which is basically a multiplier of boats elapsed time during a race issue.

Every hour boat takes multiplied quit her handicap rating factor corrected his time to produce. The higher the score, the greater the multiplier, the greater the difference between disability time and time consumption.

Remember, in this manner. Each boat is more efficient compared to a theoretical yacht with a 1 rating, so their guests, is how many minutes it should be before or after the theoretical his yacht after an hour by boat, when both crews their boats as best they can.

The winner is the team that reached the least time in Hobart, if their disability has started.

IRC took over IMS, mainly because it attempts the perfect formula for completely different yacht types and sizes. It took a very technical, scientific approach. All a yacht measurements were combined to create a 3D model to predict that the speed of the boat in the area of ​​the expected wind and wave energy conditions, with a Velocity Prediction Program.

It was a big improvement over the IOR handicap system, the Yacht Racing has dominated for years. Measured during IMS based its rate forecasts at a glance the entire hull and rigging, IOR a lot of different points on the boat, so that the designer a lot of small bumps and curves began here and there said, not because they secure the boat or faster sometimes, on the contrary, but because the reduced rating.

Mainsail was small, while large, difficult to control the headsail was even greater. The best designers "gamed" rule. So in 70, was the best IOR boats heavy displacement, finely curled, very strongly to windward, but very prone to cavities, the wind direction. She was certainly moments to stop her heart, but you would never call it exciting.

Later, when the rule developed, designers such as Bruce Farr swept the field with wedge-shaped, fuller both strands that many criticized for not very seaworthy.

IMS was both cleaner, faster, more fun and less expensive. But over time, this quest for the perfect rule were becoming more complex and technical designers and they could play with one side plate, high freeboard, low stability reign yachts.

Geoff Ross was originally a strong supporter of IMS, IMS campaigns some of the best racers in Australia under the name Yendys, but he now says that IMS was a total failure.

"Failed owner Ross says," Because it does not protect them from new boats. "An expensive, state of the art IMS boat could be replaced and more competitive than the next period of months, rolled latest IMS design out of the yard.

However, IRC much easier, and it tends to favor medium displacement and simple rigs. It also protects owners of new boats, says Ross. "It preserves the competitiveness of existing boats and new boats rewards. Look at Loki," he says, "she is 4 years old, but she is still winning races."

The same can about Love & War, the 39-year-old wooden boat, the Rolex Watches Sydney Hobart won for the third time in 2006, and others as they are told.

Critics and supporters of the ruling system all agree, but that there will be a balance in the Rolex Sydney Hobart and ocean racing usually between club-friendly cruiser racer and flat from Grand Prix types.

